Lesser Excuses

This morning I ran. After a full day, I braved the madness of holiday traffic to buy one last gift for my husband. By the time I made it home at 8, I was ravenous and tired. And then I remembered my promise to buy two twin bedding sets for my workplace United Way adopt-a-family. To go, or not to go?

After twenty minutes of inner battle, I pumped myself up to run my errand. And you know what? Walking out of that store, carrying new warm blankets for two boys who need it was worth it.

20121219-221325.jpgI came home and collapsed on my couch. In my coat. Seriously. I’m actually still laying here, blogging via iPhone, wearing my thick wool coat (photo evidence even… Can you tell how exhausted I am?)

Stretched out on my couch, I was about to give up on blogging for the night and ruin my Think Kit streak. Tired. That’s a lesser excuse.

I never want to say being tired got in the way of life. One could go on living half of a life in various states of tired. If I could remove any one obstacle it would be wearing out; my super power would be limitless energy.

But for now, I’ll just keeping pushing past tired. I’ll let myself back down when I have a better excuse.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “No limits: If money, time or other commitments were no obstacle in 2013, what would you do?”