Make Goodness

In any given year for nearly twenty years, if asked, ‘What is my purpose in life?’ I would have said: create, create, create.

Just one simple word. I’m incredibly driven by the magical process of thinking > idea! > making. For me, it’s not always clear from whence ideas come, but there they are, begging to be reckoned with, this thing that is uniquely mine.

About six months ago, I had the opportunity to think pretty deeply on my own purpose as part of Factory Week and landed on something close to create, but a little more me: make goodness. It sounds a little silly, but sort of like how I talk.

In thinking on it again, make goodness just sticks as my personal mantra. I think it applies to much of what I value, representing both the grand and simple pursuits of my life:

Writing. A lot. I hope.
Building something really amazing for my favorite nonprofit: Indy Film Fest.
Gardening. (I will pickle this year, I will pickle this year, I will pickle… maybe I have a gardening mantra, too?)
(you get the idea!)

There were some other words I considered:
I love bringing people together, so I liked connect or convene.

Whether connecting the dots for people when I can tell they don’t get something, or bringing people together that ought to meet, connecting is rewarding stuff. For example, one of my new missions is to match-make co-workers with nonprofits. Finding a good fit does transfer some goodness into the world, so, I’m going to say this is loosely covered by my mantra already.

I love the idea of inspiring others to create, so I considered words like ignite or spark.

I ruled this out because I feel I have a lot of personal making to do before I could really inspire others. Maybe one day.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “Write a mantra for the year ahead – how you’ll approach it, what you wish it to be. How’d you arrive at the mantra?”