25 Cents of Silence

A challenge was issued: Let’s play the silent game for 15 minutes. If you do it, I’ll give you a quarter!

I remember sitting in the living room of my great aunt Pat’s house, restless, picking at the dark carpet. I’m guessing that I was six-years old, maybe seven. I’d probably talked the ears off of the adults, until ends of wits had been reached and frayed. I started talking late in life (my mom was worried I’d never speak) but then, apparently, didn’t learn to shut up. At least not for a really long time.

25 centsA whole shiny quarter? Yes. In those days, that meant a ride on one of the mechanical horses, or a tiny fistful of candy from the red machines lining the windows at the super market.

Think I made it? Not a chance.

As I sat, squirming, I played with my old-school, knee-high tube socks. This pair I wore didn’t quite match, having different color rings. In my 90 seconds of silent introspection, I got completely enamored with the stripes, rolling them down into donut socks, then back up to mismatched tubes. I was pretty sure other people needed to know about this wonder, and before I realized it, I blurted, “Hey, look at my socks!”

Game over. No quarter. Silence challenge completely and utterly failed. I’ve never re-visited a slience challenge again, nor given much thought to it.

Today, my husband is practicing a day of silence. In this strange quiet during our morning routine, this vision of my six year old self, so naive, so fascinated by the world, came rushing back. After processing this dusty memory, I was suddenly hyper-aware of the mindless chatter that fills the day. My own voice, a strange interruption. Silence. I haven’t given you enough thought of late.

Decades later and sans tube socks, I still don’t always know the right times to be quiet. That’s something I imagine will be a life’s work in progress. But I am at least asking: is this worth saying? Some days I get it right. Some days I quietly notice.

Sticking to It

Confession: I’m terrible at keeping house plants alive. We’ve had a thriving, bountiful garden outside, but my indoor plants? I over-water. Or I put them in the wrong light. I leave them in the cold of fall too long, shock them to death when bringing them inside. My husband thinks I’m silly to keep at it, but I just can’t help myself. I love the way plants add color and life to indoor spaces.

There’s actually something affirming about a dogged dedication to this thing which does not come naturally. I know I may fail yet again, and I’ve decided it’s okay. Each plant I drag home, I wonder, How long will you be with me? A season? A couple of years?

I’ve learned a few things along the way. The plants I’ve kept alive include cacti and a Zamioculcas. I seem to fare better with plants who prefer drying out between waterings.

In making my plant choices, I’ve been less ambitious. To replace my latest victim, a Shefflera, I only considered plants marked as resilient. (Thank goodness for garden centers who mark them this way!) I have withered away a fair number of more delicate plants — clearly I need to build success with more tenacious varieties first.

Welcome home to my latest, a fine looking Sansevieria. I look at this living thing with hope. This is the one I can manage, the one I’ll look back on in awe when I can’t remember how long it’s been in my life.

Should I fail, I will keep at it. Even if I have to buy a few house plants every year for the rest of my life, my house will always be marked with some bits of green life.

Brain Candy

Keeping the mind sharp is an admirable pursuit. While it’s easy to set a self-learning goal, it can be even easier to let the year pass without acting on it. Posting my goals online gives at least a little extra accountability. So here goes nothing: two new skills I’d like to gain in 2013, and a bonus baking skill for good measure.

Culture Consulting Toolkit.
In 2012, I had the great fortune to work with a couple of SmallBox clients on what we call culture-powered marketing. It was a relatively new line of thinking for us internally, but something we’d be testing on ourselves. With one client, it evolved organically from asking questions and working with them on content strategy. It’s incredibly rewarding to help a company connect the dots, uncover their own culture-starters and begin to blend organizational health, marketing and HR. I’m very much looking forward to adding some new collaborative techniques to my toolkit and sharing these ideas with more people.


Working conversational Italian.
This one goes a long nicely with my “extracurriculum” project, la dolce vita. Once upon a time, I learned songs in Italian from my voice teacher. It’s a beautiful language to sing in, even when I had no idea exactly what I was saying. When my husband-to-be and I traveled to Italy in 2006, I tried to learn a bit of the language. I could order coffee like a champ, or let someone know if I was on fire, but that’s about it. Louie proposed to me in Florence, steps away from where the above photo was taken, adding to the magic of this place for me. I may only be so lucky as to return once or twice more in this lifetime, but I’d like to learn nonetheless.


Perfecting macarons. (Or, at least, coming close!)
I tried my hand at an almond version sandwiched with a bitter ganache for a shower once before. They tasted wonderful, but were crackly, all different sizes and otherwise not-pâtisserie-worthy. The picture above features the best of the bunch – I didn’t photograph the lot of them in all their various states and sizes. Since then, I’ve read up and learned after piping the macarons, you must let them rest for 15 minutes before baking. Another tip: trace circles onto a sheet of parchment paper to help with consistent sizing – genius!

When all else fails, there’s always baking.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “What new skill do you want to add to your repertoire in 2013?”

Hello Old Friend

I’ve let my knitting group lapse, after many moons of keeping it going, weekend after weekend. There’s something very grounding and calming about meeting up with friends over hot tea and knitting to end out the week.

I know. I sound like an old lady. Knitting is a great escape from a cluttered brain. Loop into loop into loop into loop. It can be incredibly challenging to work lace patterns, to shape garments. On the flip side, rhythmic and mindless, as in the simple moss stitch scarf I’m working on.


It’s the same scarf I’ve been knitting on since the spring. Slowly, a few rows here. A few there. I thought I’d finish in time to wear it this winter. There’s time still, I suppose.

I want to finish the scarf, true. But also there’s the gathering of friends I miss. I’ve put the call out there. Here’s hoping that a few of my crafters-in-crime are up for a knit next weekend.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “Make plans with a friend you haven’t seen in a long time.”


These Are the Nights

The events that mattered this year were the ones involving a handful of close friends gathering together for a meal. My husband and I have a monthly Supper Club with 3 other couples. Sometimes we branch out and try new restaurants, other times we design a bit of dinner adventure.

Supper Club at Tibbs Drive-In

There was the Great Rib Showdown, where we gathered at the R’s house, each of us bringing ribs from a different spot in the city (Hank’s brisket stole the show). Then there was the picnic at Tibb’s Drive-In, in which we watched Lincoln Vampire Hunter over homemade goodness.

One summer night, we sat in the glass room of Locally Grown Gardens and watched a storm roll in, dark clouds and hail and all, candlelight flickering on our table. These are the nights I hold onto, the ones that make up a life well-lived.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “What event stood out for you this year? Where was it? who was there? what did it look like?”

2012 was a good year for events, so I thought I’d share a few other favorites.

Honorable mentions:
SXSW Conference (The film part blew my mind. I want that for Indy!)
One Man Two Guvnors in NYC (Seeing an old friend on Broadway is tough to beat.)
24 Hour Web Project with SmallBox for ICAN (Puppies!)
TEDxIndianapolis (So many sharp people in one place.)
Kishi Bashi at Joyful Noise Recordings (One man band, taken to a whole new level, in an insanely intimate space.)


I tried drawing a self portrait today. To be exact, I drew nine of them. I really didn’t want to give up. I hate giving up.

20121226-231449.jpgBut after much sketching, not one really looked like me.

One came out looking like a very old version of me. There was a sort of zombie-like one. Another bore a striking resemblance to Madonna. I even doodled my dinner and dessert, inspired by the saying, ‘you are what you eat.’

I thought in a try or two I could doodle a quick self portrait. Total folly. It’s much more difficult than I anticipated, an exercise I found to be both humbling and awkward. The pursuit of self-portraiting is not for the faint of heart.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “Draw a self portrait. Get as abstract or as real as you like.”

Family Recipes

Every year during the holidays we pull out my mom’s old recipe book, full of her hand-written recipes, the stuff my family has been making for ages.

The cards are well-used and loved, with kitschy antique stove art, straight from the seventies. We’ve been using this recipe card for our annual Christmas morning breakfast of bubble bread for as long as I can remember.

This is the stuff that makes the holiday, what I look forward to each year.


bubble bread
This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “Share a photo from your year that highlights giving, thankfulness, traditions or finding peace.”

In the Bag

You can tell a lot about a person by what they carry. I have seen ‘what’s in your bag?’ type memes make their rounds on the web, but haven’t ever shared before. I swapped bags recently so it’s a little less chaotic than usual, but this is unedited. Complete with ancient cough drop!

1.The bag – HOBO International has the best leather bags. This camel tote has been with me for many moons, and just keeps getting better with age. It can serve as a light weekend bag, or is big enough for my laptop and lunch during the work week.

2. Laptop bag – Oilcloth bag by danica studio. The perfect bag for the chronic spiller (that’s me!).

3. Water bottle – well-loved, with a barely visible Bicycle Garage Indy logo.


4. Blue folder – reading material and resumes for the Musical Family Tree internship position.

5. Moleskine notebook – for doodles and to do lists.

6. 3 Pens – Pilot Precise v5, a fine instrument for writing.

7. Apple ear buds

8. Indy Film Fest name tag


9. Keys

10. Cough drop – from last year I think! It was tucked in a crevice.

11. Green wallet – another one that ages wonderfully, bought in a long-ago-closed boutique in Chicago, circa 2001. And a little cash.

12. Card holder – the bamboo silk printed case has things like IMA membership, library card, Speak Easy key card and unused gift cards.

13. Wallet – People for Urban Progress dome card holder for the essentials: license and bank cards.

14. Lip gloss and balm – I’m a Burt’s Bees devotee. It’s the best stuff out there, period. The others, Neutrogena and Bite gloss, see a lot less use.


This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
I chose one of the lifeline prompts for today’s Think Kit. “What’s in your bag? Let’s see those old receipts and cookie crumbs!”

Lesser Excuses

This morning I ran. After a full day, I braved the madness of holiday traffic to buy one last gift for my husband. By the time I made it home at 8, I was ravenous and tired. And then I remembered my promise to buy two twin bedding sets for my workplace United Way adopt-a-family. To go, or not to go?

After twenty minutes of inner battle, I pumped myself up to run my errand. And you know what? Walking out of that store, carrying new warm blankets for two boys who need it was worth it.

20121219-221325.jpgI came home and collapsed on my couch. In my coat. Seriously. I’m actually still laying here, blogging via iPhone, wearing my thick wool coat (photo evidence even… Can you tell how exhausted I am?)

Stretched out on my couch, I was about to give up on blogging for the night and ruin my Think Kit streak. Tired. That’s a lesser excuse.

I never want to say being tired got in the way of life. One could go on living half of a life in various states of tired. If I could remove any one obstacle it would be wearing out; my super power would be limitless energy.

But for now, I’ll just keeping pushing past tired. I’ll let myself back down when I have a better excuse.

This post is part of Think Kit by SmallBox
Today’s prompt: “No limits: If money, time or other commitments were no obstacle in 2013, what would you do?”