Eeee-ther / Eiii-ther

For as long as I’ve lived in Indy, this shell of a building has stood at the corner of 16th & College. I always wondered what used to be there, and how it got cut in two, revealing its former middle.


Today that building was demolished, and I watched in equal wonder with the disparity of reactions online. From ‘Thank God that eyesore is gone’, to anger that it might have been saved. Here’s what I thought: it looked like a life-size doll house, just waiting to be styled. I had never seen a cross section of a building like that, and it certainly captured my imagination.

And now, in its demolished state, it shows just how differently we funny animals approach the world. You say eeee-ther and I say eiii-ther. Farewell, old thing.

Photo from Indiana Landmarks facebook page.